Trade, service and distribution

Areas of expertise

The trade, service and distribution industry require legal assistance within a broad range of legal areas. As a full-service commercial firm, we have both the wide ranging and the in-depth expertise required to solve all the legal needs of the industry.

We assist clients operating throughout the value chain within retail, service and distribution, and tailor our assistance to the particular needs of the client.

Our services include:

  • Contractual issues regarding purchase and sale of goods and services
  • Claims and disputes
  • Distribution, franchise, agency and commission agreements
  • Drafting of standard terms and conditions
  • Legal issues related to distribution and marketing of goods and services

Sales, distribution and marketing of goods and services require adaptation to and compliance with extensive regulations within several areas of law. Key regulations are the Marketing Control Act, the Purchase Act, the Consumer Purchase Act, the E-commerce Act, the Personal Data Act, the Competition Act and other regulations governing competition and marketing in the relevant market.

We assist businesses B2B, B2C and B2G. We also assist consumers.

Lawyers in this field

Terje 1 Crop

Terje Dahl Svendsen


Caroline Jahre Viksand

Caroline Jahre Viksand


Harald feb 2024

Harald Bjelke


Tenden Sven 1

Sven Iver Steen


Einar Abrahamsen

Einar Abrahamsen d.y.

Maja Crop

Maja Marhaug

Senior Lawyer