Public procurements

Areas of expertise

Public procurement legislation is often perceived as rigid, complex and inadequate. This is often a source of uncertainty and frustration for purchasers and suppliers alike. The consequences of making mistakes may be severe, even if the mistake itself is small.

We guide both purchasers and suppliers through the complicated legislation on public procurements.

Several of our lawyers have public procurements as one of their main practice areas, and they have long-standing experience assisting both procuring entities and tenderers in a number of business sectors. Our team combine first rate knowledge of the legal regulations with strategic and commercial understanding of the sector in question.

The firm assists public purchasers in planning the tender, drafting of tender documents, reviewing tenderers and tenders, and negotiations. We also assist in drafting responses and other communication to tenderers. A part of our role is also to support the procuring entity in any complaint procedures.

We assist tenderers in drafting and delivering offers, including how the tenderer should act in negotiations and clarifications with the procuring entity. We also consider the legality of allocations and rejections of offers. If the applicable rules have not been complied with, we assist with complaints to the procuring entity or the Norwegian Complaints Board for Public Procurement (KOFA).

We are regularly representing both procuring entities and tenderers in cases before the courts in public procurement matters, including cases of preliminary injunctions (prevention of contract signing) and claims for damages.

Our lawyer/partner Anders Hauger regularly lectures in courses and seminars on public procurement legislation for both public procurement entities and other parties.

Lawyers in this field

Anders Crop

Anders Hauger


Eric Crop

Erik Bruusgaard


Harald feb 2024

Harald Bjelke


Tenden Kaja Crop

Kaja Oftedal Rasting

Senior Lawyer